“Organized recovery efforts are such a niche field, it’s hard to be perceived as part of ordinary medical care sadly. There is bias about who is venerable, the disease of addiction is not understood. We need to combat misconceptions by promoting stories of recovery that are true and accurate; people need to be exposed to recovery stories. We need to combat the idea that this won’t happen to me but happens to other people. We need to address the it’s not my problem idea. We also need to talk with those who don’t think it’s a public health crisis. Addiction is a disease.” - Surry County Citizen
The Surry County Office of Substance Abuse Recovery collected fifty-five (55) interviews during the Spring of 2021 from local citizens and leaders related to the status of Substance Use Disorder and associated issues.
We are pleased to publish our Blueprint Publication #2, Surry County Perspectives, Community and Leader Interviews Regarding Substance Use Disorder.
About This Series:
The current publication, Surry County Perspectives: Community and Leader Interviews Regarding Substance Use Disorder is the second of a planned series of needs assessment, research, data analysis and planning documents intended to help create effective and evidenced based community responses to the substance use epidemic in Surry County. Past and planned documents include:
Blueprint 1 - Surry County V.O.C.I.E.S. Volunteering Opinions & Information Concerning Eliminating Substance Use Community Survey Primary Results. The V.O.I.C.E.S. Survey was published in April 2021 and can be found on our website at: https://www.surrycountycares.com/post/v-o-i-c-e-s-primary-survey-resultssurrycountycares.com/
Blueprint 2 – Surry County Perspectives: Community and Leader Interviews Regarding Substance Use Disorder (this is the current document).
Blueprint 3 – Review of National, State and Local Indicators of Substance Use Disorder and Prevalence (expected publication, Summer 2021).
Blueprint 4 – Evidenced Based Program Recommendations Including Local Community Priorities and Capacity (expected publication, early Fall 2021).
Master Three Year Blueprint – The publication of a compendium of Blueprints 1, 2, 3 and 4 in a final and formal report of recommended actions to the Surry County Community (expected publication, early Winter 2021).